Test results

Myers-briggs 16 personalities

Learning style website test

learning style website summarising results in a donut pie

Figure 8: Learning Style Quiz (2022) learning-style-pt1.jpg [screenshot], Learning Style test website, accessed 19th July 2022.

Learning Style Quiz learning style website explaining visual learning

Figure 9: Learning Style Quiz (2022) learning-style-pt2.jpg [screenshot],Learning Style test website, accessed 19th July 2022.

Learning Style Quiz learning style explaining auditory learning

Figure 10: Learning Style Quiz (2022) learning-style-pt3.jpg [screenshot],Learning Style test website, accessed 19th July 2022.

Learning Style Quiz learning style explaining kinaesthetic learning

Figure 11: Learning Style Quiz(2022) learning-style-pt4.jpg [screenshot],Learning Style test website, accessed 19th July 2022.

Learning Style Quiz

AULIVE creativity test

screenshot of radar graph representing aulive creativity test result of 47.63

Figure 12: AULIVE (2022) aulive-creativity.jpg [screenshot], AULIVE creativity test website, accessed 19th July 2022.

AULIVE creativity test

Discussion of test results

The INFJ-T result that I received from the Myers-Briggs personality test affirms and reveals my approaches to my career and relationships (familial, platonic and romantic). Indeed, my Myers-Briggs general report also indicates my strengths (creativity, insightfulness and altruistic, principled and passionate nature) and my weaknesses (sensitivity to criticism, reserved nature, perfectionism, burnout tendencies, and difficulty to adapt ideas into reality - pragmatism). In addition, the Learning Style website test results highlighted that my learning style was mainly visual, and therefore provided me with tips that would benefit me most as a visual learner, such as minimising visual distractions. Additionally, the AULIVE “Test my creativity” test indicated that I have a lower level of creativity than the other people who have taken this test.

The Myers-Briggs personality test result of INFJ-T indicated that I was 71% introverted, and therefore that I need to establish and enforce a work-life balance that also prioritises my alone time (self-care) as much as my desire to help others. This test result also underlined that my desire to be helpful could be taken advantage of in the workplace, and therefore that I need to learn how to stand up for myself and set up personal boundaries. Additionally, the Learning Style website test result also indicates how I should approach learning new skills in the workplace as a visual learner – such as always taking notes whilst learning something and always going through notes and asking questions to clarify my notes. In addition, the AULIVE “Test my creativity” test informed me that I need to improve my creativity – for example, I would need to increase my ability to come up with feasible new ideas to improve the workplace that I’m in to make projects run quicker and more efficiently, as well as increase productivity and contentment of my fellow employees.

The Myers-Briggs personality test result of INFJ-T indicated to me that I need to form a team that is capable of handling stress and performing to my high standards – but also treat each other respectfully, as well, because I highly value having a fair workplace that produces quality work. In addition, the Learning Style website test result indicates that since I am a visual learner, my teaching style (regarding training people to join the team I’m forming) would most benefit from using visual technique such as giving written notes to my students and using educational images and videos. Additionally, the AULIVE “Test my creativity” test indicates that I might need to form a team that is more creative than me because that is a skill that I lack.



Ideal job

Project idea


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